Corporation Tax Rise & Floating Tax Rate
The main rate of corporation tax rises to 25% from 1st April 2023 for profits >£50,000.
Profits >£250,000 will pay the full rate.
Profits <£50,000 will remain at 19%.
Profits between £50-250k will vary on a crazy formula; not linear, it is disproportionate in HMRC's favour.
How it works, profits are charged at 25% then a formula reduces it. A table gives and idea:
- £50,000 = 19.00%
- £60,000 = 20.25%
- £70,000 = 21.14%
- £80,000 = 21.81%
- £90,000 = 22.33%
- £100,000 = 22.75% (quarter way to £250k, but tax is increased 62.5%).
- £125,000 = 23.50%
- £150,000 = 24.00% (half way to £250k, but tax is increased 83%).
Making company pension contributions can now be more valuable.